Removing paint can be a massive undertaking and a pain to deal with.
Choosing the right paint stripper can turn a difficult job into an easy one.

Varnish/Lacquer Removal
Varnishes and Lacquers can be stubborn to remove. To soften them up it is best to use a chemical that will make it easy to scrap up rather than using sand paper.

Graffiti/Bitumen Removal
There are many graffiti removers on the market but like paint strippers they all have their own strengths. Being careful about what substrate the graffiti is on is the most important thing to consider as graffiti removers can damage substrates like glass. It is always best to discuss before purchasing.

Industrial Paint Removal
Industrial strength paints like epoxy paints are very hard wearing paints for busy and harsh environment. See our Industrial Flooring section for more info.

Successful for 35 years - and now even better!
At the international FARBE trade fair in 1984, as a pioneer to the professional world, we presented the first CHC-free paint stripper in Europe. Since then, facade paints, wall paints, varnishes, adhesives and 2K coatings have been removed with Scheidel paint strippers on thousands of square meters in Germany and internationally. The tried and tested gel products have been continuously developed in terms of their application and environmental friendliness - with ever better effects.